Guide canine Puppy training With Dublin

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We brought Dublin home when he was seven weeks old and that same day we started his guide canine puppy training.  He’s already taken a puppy kindergarten class and a basic canine obedience training class.  We will continue to enroll Dublin in canine obedience training classes until it’s time to turn him in fo formal guide canine training.
Did you see Dublin’s nine month guide canine puppy assessment report?  Recently Dublin had his second assessment and sadly he received less than stellar marks.  However, there are positives to an average at best report…we now have a much better idea of what to work on in Dublin’s puppy training.
Dublin’s guide canine Puppy Training

Dublin waiting for His next bowl Of Food
As I discussed in our last post one of the guide canine trainers came down from guide Dogs of America and gave us three things to work on with Dublin.  Here are the three puppy training suggestions we’ve been working on for the past few weeks.

Mouthy behavior – Dublin is very sensitive.  We were recommended to work with people used to dog/puppy training.  When Dublin puts his mouth on the greeters arm or forearm we are recommending them to force him back a little bit by shoving our forearm into his mouth.  Dublin has a sensitive mouth so he does not really bite down, but instead he just likes to lay it on people’s hands and lick them.
Self control – We put Dublin in a sit stay and stand apart in front of him facing and keeping him in a stay.  We then have several people behind us yell, scream, and get excited.  We just work on keeping Dublin in his sit-stay.
Traffic Sensitivity – walk Dublin around heavier traffic areas.  First, walk towards traffic.  Over time we are to start walking with the traffic coming from behind us.

Here’s how we are doing now with Dublin’s guide canine Training:
Dublin’s mouthy behavior has gotten much better.  Although he does still like to be mouthy it’s less often.  We need to work much more with people he does not really know very well.
Dublin is doing very well with his self control.  We’ve been working on the exercise discussed above and he is much better at remaining in his sit stays.  We .will continue to work on improving this behavior
We’ve introduced Dublin to some new busier streets and traffic areas.  He’s had traffic come from in front and behind him and it hasn’t really bothered him much.  We’ll continue to work on walking him in different high traffic areas.

We are happy we could take away some positives from Dublin’s Puppy assessment Report.  We’ve been working hard on his guide canine Puppy training and he seems to be improving every day.
How about you guys? Are you a guide canine puppy raiser?  What things are you working on?  Leave us a comment in the comments section below.
Top picks For Our Puppies
BEST PUPPY toy We Like: Calmeroos Puppy toy w/ heartbeat and heat Packs – ideal for new puppies. helps ease anxiety in their new home.
BEST canine CHEW We Like: Bones & Chews Bully Sticks – all of our puppies love to bite, nip, and chew. We love using Bully Sticks to help divert these unwanted behaviors.
BEST canine treats We Like: crazy canine Train-Me treats – We use these as our high-value treats for our guide canine puppies.
BEST FRESH canine FOOD We Like: The Farmer’s canine – A couple months ago we started feeding Raven fresh canine food and she loves it! get 50% off your first purchase of The Farmer’s Dog.

Check out much more of our favorites on our new Puppy Checklist.

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