PetMeds holiday celebrations & Resolutions

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In a whirlwind fashion the holidays have come and gone but they wouldn’t be nearly as fun without the company of friends, family and of course — our pets! below are a few examples of how our employees enjoyed celebrating the holidays with their pets, as well as resolutions for the new Year.

How were your holidays spent? Do you have any resolutions as a pet owner? feel free to comment below or join the conversation on our Facebook page.

Abby R., digital content Specialist:

My cats always enjoy the Christmas holiday, or any day that I am home spending time with them. When it comes to Christmas gifts, my two cats couldn’t be more different. For Daisy, it’s all about the boxes and tissue paper. She has a toybox filled with toys that she mostly ignores, but give her a box or some crinkly tissue paper and she’s thrilled. It looks like this box didn’t quite meet with her approval though.

Harley spent his first six months in a shelter, and he didn’t have many toys, and none of his very own. To this day he dearly loves toys, and most days rummages through his toybox looking for just the right toy. He treasures any new toy, even if he’s not exactly sure how to play with it.

My resolution is to look after my cats’ dental health with regular veterinary dental care and at home tooth brushing.

Alex I., online Programs Director:

Raven has spent her every Christmas with us, we’re lucky to have gotten such a sweetheart. Her favorite part of the holiday season is the leftovers, and our new Year’s Resolution is to go to the dog park more.

Alison B., legal Counsel:

Our latest addition, PK (stands for pretty Kitty) spent the holiday season being grateful for a new home – ours as of December 16th. Our already-in-resident kitties, Moggie and 36, “enjoyed” the holiday season getting used to PK. below are photos of PK, PK and 36, and of Moggie from years past, on her own (which is probably how she’d prefer it at the moment!!), in front of the Christmas tree. We have yet to get one of all three together.

I resolve to keep feeding them the healthiest food and treats and to take them each, once every three months, for routine checkups.

Rebecca S., customer Care:

Skip and Malorie (Jack Russell’s) had such a fun holiday that they have been sleeping in every morning, and Mystic (Belgian Tervuren) can never get enough, and wants to play more!

Sonseeahray C., customer Care:

My Resolution is to take Tonka on more trail rides.

Vanessa P., content & Inbound marketing Director:

Ender & Riley spent their holidays enjoying more cooler walks thanks to the few days the temperatures dropped. They both received gifts for good behavior, including one from Abby (mentioned above).

Our resolution in 2013 is to finish the Cesar Millan training DVDs and be the best pack leaders we can be.

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