Bella reaches A Milestone: 600 Bella Blankies and Still Sewing…

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It was in July of 2010 that we started down this path, never knowing that the 20 fleece blankies that  Mommy made and donated to southern California Pomeranian Rescue would continue on as one of the best and a lot of loved fundraisers for SCPR.  fast forward to now, and mommy has actually made over 600 of them and they are still as popular as ever.  My furrends really love that I  pose for a photo with every blankie that is bought and it is posted on my Facebook page.  In fact, it was one of those photos that mommy entered in the 2011 PetMeds next Pet TV star contest that I won, and sent me into the homes of millions of PetMeds customers over the television and in the printed ads that you still see when you buy something.  It was a Red, White, and Blue Bella Blankie, made especially for the fourth of July holiday.  here is that photo:

Mommy made the pattern, not tough in any way when it involves only four straight lines to sew.  mommy shops the sales at the fabric store and uses the sale vouchers to get the fabric prints that are popular for dogs and cats.  Each blankie is two layers of fleece, one print paired with a contrasting solid.  There are two sizes, the large one is 24″ x 36″ and the small on is 18″ x 24″, with fringe.  last week there were three surprise cartons delivered from my furrend miss Edie:

Want to know what was inside?  just lookie!  My furrend miss Edie sent some new fleece prints for a lot more Bella Blankies!  I am so ecstatic because miss Edie knows how much I just love anything with hey there Kitty on it.  I even tell people that my hair style is called “The hey there Kitty Cut”.  Well, I do look a little like hey there Kitty with my hair cut like this.  The first box that we opened had a pink hey there Kitty print and a jungle print with jungle birds, leopards, panthers and monkeys on it:

The next carton had a colorful hearts and ribbons pattern on a black background and a very cute print that is actually called “Naughty Puppies.”  Both of these are very colorful and can be paired with another contrasting solid fleece to make a very pretty blankie.

It is always fun to get surprise packages in the mail and I have a lot of fun opening them.  There is one a lot more carton left.   It has another hey there Kitty print in it, this one is lavender and it is so pretty!  There is also a Mickey mouse print on blue.

These fabrics are all so great and will make some really pawesome Bella Blankies.   mommy will get these fabrics added to our album of fabrics so that they will be available to order.  They can be seen soon in my albums on my Facebook page Bella Pomeranian, go to my photos > albums > Bella Blankies fabrics Catalog .  There you will find photos of all of the fabrics we have available, complete with instructions on how to order.  100% of the proceeds go to southern California Pomeranian Rescue to help pay expenses of  rescue. mommy also has a creative way of helping cats and dogs by using the scraps too. The scraps are cut into strips about 1″ large and 36″ long, and she gives bags full of these strips to local  veterinarians to use as e-collar ties.  They make great e-collar ties because they are festive, soft and tie in a great bow:



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