Leo The Runner

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For a while now Leo has been pretty good off-leash in certain situations. At the dog park, he usually ends up walking with us along the trail. even at the beach, he’ll run in and out of the water or play with dogs walking by but generally stay near us.

When we are visiting his best friend, Oscar,  we need to block off the porch or dock so Leo doesn’t wander off. We can take him for a quick potty break off-leash and he’ll stick with us, but anything farther than that he would get a leash. It helps that Oscar is very good off-leash so Leo follows his lead.

Just when we were beginning to let down our guard a bit, Leo
made a run for it during one of those “quick” potty breaks. fortunately he didn’t
get too far and it was in a very low traffic area, so I was able to quickly
recover the errant boy. Now, for his safety, we will keep his leash on until we
can build up the trust again.  

Is your dog well-behaved off-leash? What are some suggestions and tricks to training your dog to be trusted off-leash in a safe environment? let me know!

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