Bloating is life threatening. Don’t let your pet dog suffer.

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Although it may not seem like a big deal if your pet dog is a little bloated after eating a meal, it can actually be life threatening. In fact, bloating kills 20,000 dogs per year, and is normally caused by eating too quickly. have you ever enjoyed your pet dog eat? For the most part, dogs tend to gobble up food in a blink of an eye. It may take your pet dog only 1-2 minutes to eat, which isn’t very long considering how much food is in the bowl.

Reducing bloating indicates your pet dog has to learn to eat a lot more slowly. However, you may not want to sit there and hand feed your pet dog little bits of food to make sure proper digestion. That’s why the Slo-Bowl slow Feeder was created. The Slo-Bowl is a fun way for your pet dog to eat while greatly minimizing the chances of bloating.

Instead of having one big pile of food to wolf down, the Slo-Bowl spaces the food out so your pet dog has to find it. Plus, considering that your pet dog has to spend a lot more time eating, the Slo-Bowl also helps promote a healthy weight!

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